"Personalized Customer Service"
Frequently Asked Questions
- If I accidentally activate my alarm can I cancel the dispatch before I get a call from the monitoring station?[click here]
Yes. Call the monitoring station and tell them you are calling in a “False Alarm”. You will need to give them your name and either your account number or your password. When they locate your information you can ask them to please cancel the dispatch.
- How do I test my security system?[click here]
While most security systems are designed to “self monitor” it is always a good idea to periodically test the function, and communication, of your security system. The best way is to activate the ‘chime’ mode of your system, or have someone watch the keypad, then walk through opening each door/window that has detection equipment installed. Each time the point is opened you should hear the keypad chime and/or the keypad should show the zone violated.
After each of the points have been tested call the monitoring station and tell them you want to test your system and to please put your account on test. You will need your account number, or password, in order to access your account information.
Once the account has been placed on test arm your security system as if you were leaving being sure to open and close the door you would normally leave through. Wait for at least 15 seconds after the keypad has stopped beeping, or for a total of 1 – 1 ½ minutes, then activate the system by triggering a “protected” area. This may be opening a door, window, or walking through a motion detector. Make sure the siren, not just the keypad, begins to sound. If you open a ‘delayed’ door remember you will have to wait for the entry delay to end before an alarm will sound. When the siren starts sounding allow it to sound for at least 15 seconds, then you can enter your code and disarm the system stopping the siren. Wait for about 2 minutes and call the monitoring station back checking to see if they got the signals. Once confirmed be sure to ask them to place your account back online.
- How often should I test my system?[click here]
Ideally your security system should be checked at least weekly, but with today’s hectic schedules we all know that isn’t really practical. At the minimum you should check your system quarterly, and after any major electrical storm, or anytime someone alters, checks, or repairs your telephone connection and/or wiring. If lightning strikes close to your home, even if no other damage occurs, it is a good idea to check your system. Often small contacts are damaged by an electrical surge and the damage is hidden by the fact the equipment appears to be working when in reality it isn’t. Take the time to check to make sure your door/window contacts are working and the panel is calling the central station properly. Also, if you have any type of work done to your telephone please take the time to confirm that your system is still communicating properly before you allow the workman to leave your premises in case they have disrupted your panels communication path to the central station.
- How do I test my fire/smoke detectors?[click here]
Because there are several different types of smoke, and/or fire, detectors that may be connected to your security system, and each of them have different recommended test procedures. Therefore it is best to contact us for information regarding the proper test method for your system.
- What do I do if the list of people who are to be notified in the event of an alarm is wrong?[click here]
You can all us here at Integrity Security Services, Inc., or you can call the monitoring station and discuss this with them. They can tell you what you would need to do in order to update your call list. Remember to have your password when you call them.
- Are there any telephone numbers I might need to know?[click here]
You need to keep a list handy for services both recognized as emergency services and for those you generally don’t associate with that title. You should have the phone number and contact information handy for the Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical personnel. But also for the electrical, water, gas, cable and/or telephone companies. Some other important numbers related to us are:
Central Station Inc Dispatch Center
Toll-Free 1-800-843-5154
Local Birmingham (205) 836-3884
Billing Center
Toll-Free 1-800-272-4314
Local Birmingham (205) 838-4145
Integrity Security Services, Inc
Office 1-256-878-1812
Fax (205) 833-6600
- I want to cancel my telephone service, are there alternative methods for my alarm to notify the central station without telephone lines?[click here]
Yes. There are newer options that are available to the customer who wants to change to digital phone systems or to no phone system at all. If you are considering one of these please give us a call so we can discuss your options before you discontinue your telephone service and find yourself with an alarm that is unable to notify the proper authorities in the event of an emergency.
- Will my alarm panel work properly with IP, or VoIP, telephone systems such as Vonage or Magic Jack?[click here]
Nearly all telephone based communications for security systems were designed for use with Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). While we have been able to get alarm panels to communicate over some of the IP based systems we cannot guarantee that the alarm panel will continue to communicate properly with the central station. A couple of other problems that may occur even if the panel seems to work the same with the new digital system is...
(1) Many of the systems installed are designed to monitor the telephone line. This monitoring capability is designed around the voltage levels and nuances of POTS lines. The digital lines do not have the same characteristics of the POTS service so false alarms are a possibility unless this feature is deactivated.
(2) Another major concern is the communications continuing to function in the event of a power failure. The alarm system is equipped with back-up batteries in order to function for a period of timed with no electrical power but, without communications service, in the event of an alarm the siren would sound but no one would be notified. The digital telephone systems generally do not have battery back-up, and those that do only function for a very short period of time. One solution to this problem is for the customer to install a UPS backup power supply for the telephone system equipment.
- Will my alarm panel work properly with “cable phones” such as phones furnished by Charter Communications?[click here]
So far the digital cable telephones such as those from Charter Communications have functioned with only the issues listed previously. Customers just need to remember that even though the cable phones are currently working properly they are still digital systems. As the number of customers grows the cable companies may have to resort to compressing data to save space on their system. This is when problems and failures potentially will begin to show up.
- My keypad is beeping and I have a yellow SERVICE light on my keypad. What do I do?[click here]
Usually if you have a light on that reads SERVICE it means there is some problem with your (GE)(CADDX) Networx NX security system. You can silence the beeping by entering a valid arm/disarm code. If you have your owner's manual handy there is a chart showing you how to check for the trouble condition. With a standard fixed English, or LED, style keypad by pressing [*] [2] your zone numbers now reflect a trouble code rather than a zone number. In the book there is a chart that will detail the type of trouble that the number represents. If you have a full Alpha keypad you will see a text description of the trouble, or directions, after you press [*] [2]. (If you cannot located your owner's manual, one can be downloaded by clicking on the SUPPORT link at the top of this webpage. If you do not know what model Networx NX panel you have you can download any of the versions listed and the trouble condition chart should be the same) Once you locate the trouble if it is something that you cannot solve please don't hesitate to contact us for technical support or service.
- My keypad is beeping and I have a yellow triangle or TROUBLE light on my keypad. What do I do?[click here]
Usually if you have a light that reads TROUBLE or you have a yellow triangle it means there is some problem with your DSC security system. You can silence the beeping by pressing the [#] key on the keypad. If you have your owner's manual handy there is a chart showing you how to check for trouble conditions. With a standard fixed English, or LED, style keypad by pressing [*] [2] your zone numbers now reflect a trouble code rather than a zone number. In the book there is a chart that will detail the type of trouble that the number represents. If you have a full Alpha keypad you will see a text description of the trouble, or directions, after you press [*] [2]. (If you cannot located your owner's manual, one can be downloaded by clicking on the SUPPORT link at the top of this webpage. If you do not know what model of DSC panel you have you can download any of the versions listed and the trouble chart should be the same or similar.) Once you locate the trouble if it is something that you cannot solve please don't hesitate to contact us for technical support or service.
- My keypad is showing unusual information such as batt; low batt; No AC; OC; FC...what do I do?[click here]
You may have a Honeywell, or Ademco, security control. If you have your owner's manual handy there are directions listed on how to check for the trouble type. If you cannot located your owner's manual you can download a Honeywell/Ademco owner's manual by clicking on the SUPPORT link at the top of this webpage. Once you locate the trouble if it is something that you cannot solve please don't hesitate to contact us for technical support or service.